Design a Stunning Blog
When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...

Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

"Myrtilo" cafe
On 13/3/2019, in the frame of our Erasmus + project "Connecting Classrooms 3.0", students participating in the program visited the...

Visiting ActionAid
«Πόσο εύκολο είναι ένα ταξίδι προς τη φυγή; Και όταν φτάσεις εκεί τι ακολουθεί μετά; Πόσοι αλήθεια προσέφυγαν ανά τους αιώνες σε αυτό το...

A movie about refugees
War and poverty are the causes for the creation of migrants and refugees. Thousands of people, all over the world, tortured, afraid and...

Erasmus+ celebration
On Thursday 20/12/2018, our school organized a festive event to present the European Erasmus+ projects that it has already completed or...

European school x 5
The 1st Gymnasium of Acharnes on Thursday December 20, 2018 at 10.00 am organizes a presentation event of the five European Erasmus +...

Greek Priest wins Best European Citizen Award for 2018
by Papadopoulou Theofania - student (A4) Father Antonios began his activity in 1998 in Kolonos, Athens. His work “The Ark of the World”...

Starting the e-shop!
The 12th October 2018 and within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Connecting classrooms 3.0" that takes place at our school, the 1o...