Students of the 2nd grade create webpages about migration
In the frame of computer classes along with the Erasmus+ project, students of 1o GYMNASIO ACHARNON searched online for information and created websites.
Migrants from Pontos
by Fytanidi Christina -Toska Kiki, B4-2

Causes of migration
by Antonis Trichias, B4-2

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Migrants - Refugees - Causes
by Martzelos Dimitris - Konstantinidi Ioanna, B2-1

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War and refugees
by Maragos Petros-Metsai Girgos - Zakopoulos Grigoris, B2-1

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Refugees and migrants say the story of their life
by Stela Akouli, B1-1

Causes of war
by Ilias Loizidis, B2-2

Results of war
by Michailidi - Moustakatou, B2-2

The origin of migrants
by Moiris Michalis- Navrozidis Anestis, B2-2

Causes of migration
by Mpariamai Arteo - Navrozidi Panagioti, B2-2

by Mavidis - Mandro, B4-1

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Refugees - migrants
by Moustakatos - Konstantinou

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Migrants - Refugees
by Damoulis - Moukanis

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The origin of refugees
by Eleni Katara, B1-2

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