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Το σχολείο συμμετέχει στο  ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ "Connecting classrooms 3.0" που θα υλοποιηθεί κατά τα σχολικά έτη 2017-2019. Ο παρών διαδικτυακός τόπος παρουσιάζει τις δραστηριότητες του σχολείου που αφορούν το πρόγραμμα.


1ο Γυμνάσιο Αχαρνών

1o Gymnasio Acharnon

1st High school of Acharnes

The project is an experience which aims to develop within the pupils an awareness and a positive attitude towards the new situation, economic on the one hand and social on the other, generated by globalisation and by the migrant movements. All the material developed during the project will include an analysis with constructive considerations for the pupils.

The innovative character of the project CONNECTING CLASSROOMS 3.0 comes in the first place from the nature of the project itself, since it aims to develop a close collaboration between a Central American school and European ones. It also promotes an educational change in the European schools by working on core competences, fostering a spirit of solidarity, and generating entrepreneurial initiative and economic administration in all the schools. Moreover, the project will encourage the European pupils to investigate the culture, heritage, and customs of the immigrants in Europe.

The project is an educational proposition in which the European pupils will work cooperatively with a Central American school: they themselves will look for the way to work together: they will agree on a common line of work and a way to communicate. They will have to analyse and adapt their work to the culture, religion, and customs of their partners, as well as expressing to their own preferences in these areas to the others.

The European schools have already analysed the entry of migrant groups into their countries who come mainly from east European countries like Bulgaria, and groups of Syrians in Ajernés; Africans in Italy; and Latin Americans in Burgos. Based on this study it became clear that there was a need to see how to live in harmony in this new multicultural and multiethnic society.

Furthermore, the three European schools consider it necessary to foster business entrepreneurial initiative in their pupils, and to put them in contact with businesses in their area and in the rest of Europe. To this end, the pupils will set up an economic cooperative with the Central American school. The coordinator's school has already worked three years with the Nicaraguans on a commercial project and have proved its viability. Now the three centres will collaborate to design savings plans so as to obtain an initial capital with which the Nicaraguan school can make products. (The Erasmus grant will not be used for this). These will be exported to their European partners, who will set up a system to sell them online based on a strategic marketing and accounting plan.

As for the aspect of migration, the project involves many workshop and sessions, normally during the student mobilisation, aided by various NGOs and local businesses. To this end, the inclusion of NOG Voluntariado in the partnership will help in knowing the legal side of Latin American and African immigration. This organisation was brought into the group because they work regularly with the Nicaraguan school and so will be able to communicate, contact and move business products between the schools.

The collaboration with NGOs and associations which support migrant groups guarantees quality in the pupils' workshops. And the support of local businesses connected to finance and commerce equally guarantees that the commercial and global market activities will be carried out correctly.

Finally, we must again underline that the project is designed to motivate groups of pupils in risk of academic failure (practical aspect of the project), and is focused on opening the three European schools and their pupils to Europe. Going to Europe is something that right now is only possible for a small minority of pupils. As well as generating an attitude of solidarity, the project is motivating, parcipitative, and oriented towards entrepreneurial innitiative.

The project


Connecting classrooms 3.0

© 2017 by E. DAMASKOU. Created with

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