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Connecting classrooms 3.0

Erasmus+ celebration

On Thursday 20/12/2018, our school organized a festive event to present the European Erasmus+ projects that it has already completed or is currently implementing. The title of the "European School x 5" demonstrates the stable presence of the school from 2016 to 2020 in the Erasmus+ European projects and their success. After the brief presentation of all the projects, the director of the School gave the European mobility certificates, Europasses, to all mobility participants, students and teachers. The event was attended by representatives from the Municipal Authority of Acharnes, the local community associations, many visitors, teachers from other schools and students and their parents. Students of the choir celebrated the event singing Christmas and New Year's Carols. In the school area, a festive bazaar was held at the same time with students' creative designs, the proceeds of which were donated for charity.

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