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Connecting classrooms 3.0

Briefing students and parents

On 11th September 2018, after the Blessing ceremony, the Director of the School, Mr Pallis Charalambos and the pedagogical team of the European projects, informed the students about the Erasmus+ programs that take place in the school this year.

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018, at a planned parent gathering, the Director and the Erasmus+ pedagogical team informed parents about the students' attendance and the European programs of the school.

In more detail, a review was made about the two European programs completed last year ("I am being an ecological person", "Oenological project") and a detailed presentation of the new programs in which the school participates was given.

The first program titled "A nod to our heritage" negotiates our local history and is a partnership with a Spanish, an Italian and a Polish school.

The second Erasmus+ project "Enocultura" refers to the wine culture of the eastern Mediterranean countries and schools from Crete, Cyprus and Spain participate in it.

The third European project "Connecting Classrooms 3.0", which has begun last school year and will be completed the current one, deals with the problem of refugees and migrants by approaching it over time through texts and plays by great Greek authors. One school from Italy and two from Spain along with the 1st High School of Acharnes and the university of Burgos (Spain) participate in this program.

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