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Connecting classrooms 3.0


On Tuesday, May 22, 2018, at the 2nd Gymnasium of Acharnes, the school activities of school year 2017-2018 were presented. The presence of the 1st Gymnasium of Acharnes was dynamic, with seven programs out of which the three of them are Erasmus+ European projects.

1. "I am being an ecological person"

This two-year programme ends in August 2018. Pupils who participated were led by the pedagogical team. They collaborated with their peers from Croatian, Polish and Turkish schools and implemented activities aiming at raising awareness on environmental issues and cultivating ecological consciousness. The students who travelled were hosted by families in the participating countries and gained unique experiences.

2. "Oenological project"

This programme has lasted for two years and will be completed this year. The partners are schools from Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece as well as the University of Burgos (Spain). The aim of the program is to acquaint students with a popular product, wine, its cultivation and production, as well as its importance for the country's economy. As part of this program, students who traveled to Portugal and France were hosted by their foreign classmates.

3. "Connecting classrooms 3.0"

This programme started in 2017 and ends in August 2019. The participating countries are Spain, Italy, Greece, a Spanish non-governmental organization and a Nicaraguan school. Due to the constantly growing problems of the refugees and migration, which are of particular interest to the countries of the European South, the programme seeks to urge both students and local societies to take action. The timelessness of the problem and the common destiny of those seeking salvation in a new homeland are highlighted through senstitisation actions such as the presentation of excerpts from Attic tragedies (Trojans, Iketides). Our school has already hosted students from Spain and two trips are being planned for the following year.

School pupils made a concise presentation of the programs with an emphasis on European ones. Many teachers, local agents and many people attended the event, which was particularly successful.

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