More help for the Nicaraguan school
On the basis of the already positive results of the "Connecting classes 3.0" program, more help for the Nicaraguan school has requested the Aurelio Gomez Escolar, co-ordinating school of the current program, by applying for funding for the new "Conectando Aulas" program in Comunidad Castilla y Leon.

Objectives of the project Educate in cooperation and collaboration between centers. It is not about carrying out a project to "help" others, but to achieve a two-way collaboration in which both centers can learn from each other and cultural and social enrichment can be produced by both parties. In this way the Spanish students value what they have and create in them a feeling of social justice. Another objective is also to promote entrepreneurship, know the operation of a cooperative company of a social nature. The use of new technologies (ICTs) is also encouraged, since they are considered to be the usual tool with which students will live and work in the future.